营业中对话第 30 课:We are on sale now 我们正在减价 S:Good morning, madam. May I help you? 早晨, 小姐, 我能效劳吗?
C:I'm just looking around. 我只是随便逛逛.
S:We're on sale now. Prices have up to fifty percent off. Don't miss the chance. 我们正在减价, 价钱低至五折, 不要错过这机会!
C:From three thousand dollars to one thousand dollars! Is that true? 由三千元减至一千元! 真的吗?
S:Yes, madam. We're clearing our stock now. It's a real bargain. 对的, 小姐, 我们正在清货, 这是一个真正合算的价钱.
C:I see. Can you give me a basket? I'll buy something for my family. 原来如此,给我一个篮子好吗? 我要替家人买点东西.