第 4 课:Our business time is from...to... 我们的营业时间是...

C:I've got an appointment today, but I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. Do you think I have enough time to buy souvenirs? 我今天有一个重要的约会, 但明白下午便要离开. 你认为我有足够时间选购纪念品吗?

S:Sure, sir. We open at nine o'clock sharp in the morning. 当然有,先生.我们早上 九时正开始营业.

You can bring along your luggage and do your shopping here. 你只要带着行李来购物便成了.

We'll be more than happy to serve you. 我们非常乐意为你服务.

Besides,it's near the airport here. 再者,这里离机场挺近.

C:That's great! Thanks a lot. See you tomorrow. 那太好了! 谢谢你, 明天见.