第 51 课:.A rude salesgirl 态度恶劣的售货员

S:Is there anything wrong, sir? 有什么问题吗, 先生?

C:Are you the supervisor? 你是这里的主管吗?

I wonder what kind of service you are providing. 我不知你们究竟在提供什么样的服务!

S:Would you please come to my office and tell me what happened? 请你到我办公室一坐, 详细告诉我发生什么事好吗?

C:(In the office) It's the girl in the jewellery department. (在办公室内) 那个在珠宝部门的女孩,

I told her to take out a necklace. 我叫她给我看看一条项链,

She's just ignoring me. 她竟然对我视若无睹.

S: I'm sorry, sir, but I'm sure she didn't mean it. 对不起, 先生, 我肯定她并非故意为难你的,

She just didn't understand you correctly. 她只是没听懂你的意思.

C:But why didn't she ask for help? 那为何她不找人协助呢?

S:I'll remind her. We're terribly sorry for upsetting you. 我会提醒她的, 非常抱歉令你不快.