第 55 课:Complaints by phone 电话投诉-3

C:This is Bruce and my number is 22224784. 这是布鲁斯, 我的号码是22224784.

V:This is ABC department store. May I speak to Mr Bruce,please? 这是ABC百货公司, 请布鲁斯先生听电话好吗?

C:Speaking. 我就是.

V:Mr Bruce, I'm sorry for the delay of delivery. 布鲁斯先生, 对于送货延误一事我们感到非常抱歉.

It's because we have changed the schedule. 那是因为我们的安排有更改,

and the person responsible forgot to inform you. 而负责人又忘了通知您.

We have warned persons concerned,including the salesgirl on the phone. 我们已警告有关职员, 包括那位态度恶劣的售货员.

Shall we rearrange the delivery date at your convenience? 我们另外安排您方便的 时间送货好吗?