第 58 课:Scenic spots 旅游点-1

C:I'll take this shirt. 我要买这件衬衫.

S:Thank you very much, sir. 谢谢惠顾, 先生.

C:By the way, I want to go to the beach tomorrow. Can you recommend one for me? 顺便问一下, 我明天想去海滩. 你能给我推荐一个好去处吗?

S:I see. Then I suggest the Repluse Bay. 依我之见, 你该去浅水湾.

It is the most beautiful beach in Hong Kong, and there are many facilities. 那是全港最美丽的海滩, 而且那里设施颇丰.

C:Very well, but how do I get there? 很好, 但我应怎样去呢?