第 62 课:购买女士服装-2

S:Here you are,madam. The dressing room is over there. 这条就是,小姐. 试衣室在那边.

(later) C:It's a bit tight. (稍后) 似乎太紧了.

S:But it looks beautiful on you. Perhaps it's the cutting that makes you feel tight. 但你穿起来很漂亮, 或许只是剪裁问题令你感到紧罢了.

Frankly speaking, not many people could wear this kind of style well. 说真的, 这种款式没多少人穿起来好看,

You're one of the exceptions. 但你是一个例外.

C:Thank you very much. I'll take that. 谢谢你的赞美, 那么我就买下这条裙子.

But I don't like the black one. Do you have any lighter colours? 但我不喜欢这件黑色的, 有颜色浅点的吗?

S:Sure, how about this cream colour? 有的, 乳白色怎么样?