第 64 课:购买女士服装-4

C:You have an alteration service? 你们有修改服务?

S:Yes, madam. It's free. Let me take a look at it. We should take off about an inch. 有, 而且是免费的. 让我看看,大概要改短一英寸.

C:Thanks a lot. Can I have the navy blue one? 谢谢你, 我想要海军蓝.

By the way, will the colour fade? 另外,会褪色吗?

S:No,it won't. It's colour fast. 不会. 这是不褪色的.

It takes about three days. Would you come the day after tomorrow. 修改大约需要三天时间, 麻烦你后天来取好吗?

C:Thanks. Do I have to pay now? 谢谢你, 要现在付款吗?

S:Yes, please. Would you please also give me your name and telephone number? 是的. 请告诉我你的名字及电话号码.