第 76 课:购买化妆品-2

C:I'll try that. Do you have facial cream to go with that? 那我试试吧, 有配套面霜吗?

S:Yes. sure. This line of products is fragrance-free 当然有, 这系列的产品都 是无香味的,

We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye cream and tonic. 包括面膜, 保湿乳液, 眼霜及爽肤水.

C:I'll buy the moisturizing lotion and cleansing gel first. 我先买保湿乳液及洁面嗜喱,

If they suit me,I'll come back for the others later. 若适合我用, 再回来补购其他产品.

S:Thank you very much, madam. 谢谢你购买, 小姐.

Here are some samples of our products. Do try them out. 这儿有一些产品的试用装 请拿回去试试.

C:Thank you. 谢谢你.

S:You're welcome, madam 别客气, 小姐.