第 78 课:购买家庭电器-2

S:We have a convenient installment scheme, madam.您可以采用分期付款方式小姐.

C:Really? How does it work? 真的? 是怎样的?

S:You pay a down-payment of two thousand dollars, 你首先支付二千元的首期,

and then within a year three hundred each month. 然后在一年内每月付款三百元.

C:That's fine. I'll take it. 那太好了. 那我就买下这台吧!

How long is the warranty period? 保用期有多久?

S:Three years, madam. Even when the warranty expires, 三年, 小姐. 即使保用期过去,

you can still enjoy a discount on any repair works. by presenting the expired warranty card. 你仍能享有优惠的维修服务, 只要出示那张已过期的保用卡便成了.