第 79 课:购买家庭电器-3

C:Great! Do you have one in grey? 太好了! 有灰色的吗?

S:Yes, madam. Would you please fill out this form and pay down-payment now? 有的, 小姐. 请你填好这份表格并支付首期付款.

C:(Fills out the form) Here you are. (填好表格)给你.

S:When do you want it delivered? 你要求什么时候送货?

C:Next Monday,please. 下星期一.

S:Fine. We will deliver and install it for you on Monday. Here's your receipt, madam. 好的,我们会在星期一送货并为您安装. 这是你的收据, 小姐.

C:(Checks the brand, model number and price cardfully)Thank you. (小心核对牌子,型号及价钱)谢谢你.

S:Thank you. 谢谢惠顾.