第 80 课:购买摄影器材-1

S:May I help you, sir? 有什么能效劳, 先生?

C:I'm looking for a camera. 你要哪一款照相机.

S:What kind of camera are you looking for, single lens reflex(SLR or snapshot cameras? 你要哪一款照相机呢? 单镜反光机还是全自动 机?

C:What's the difference between them? 两者有何分别?

S:SLR is more flexible than snapshot camera 单镜反光机较灵多活.

It accepts interchangeable lenses offers a wider range of exposure options than a snapshot camera. 镜头可以拆下来替换, 比自动机提供更多曝光选择,

But it is a bit heavier than the snapshot variety. 但却较自动机笨重.

C:Which one is easier to operate? 哪一款比较容易操作?

I'm not a serious photographer. 我并非一个资深摄影者.