第 87 课:购买音响器材-3

C:Yes, but why is it so expensive? 很好, 但怎会这样贵?

S:It's of very high quality, even compared with systems of ordinary size. 因为它们的品质相当高, 可媲美体积较它大的组合

C:Do you have a warranty for it? 这器材有保用证书吗?

I've heard that some shops sell grey-market goods. 我听说有些店铺出售水货.

S:Don't worry, sir. See the red junk logo on the door? 别担心, 先生. 见到门上那 个红色帆般标志吗?

We're member of the Hong Kong Tourist Association. 我们是香港旅游协会的会 员商号,