第 88 课:购买录像-1

S:Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? 午安, 先生, 有什么能效劳吗?

C:I need a video cassette recorder(VCR). 我想买一部录影机.

S:It is for use in Hong Kong? 是在香港使用的吗?

C:No ,in the Philippines. 不, 在菲律宾.

S:Then maybe this one will do. It is NTSC system which suits your country. 那么这部可以. 这是美国制式, 能在贵国使用.

C:By the way,why are there different VCR systems in different countries or places? 对了, 为什么不同国家或地区要用不同制式的录影机?

S:That's because different countries or places have different broadcast standards. 这是由于不同国家或地区有不同的广播制式,

It relates to the way the picture is transmitted 这与图像的传送方式,

and the number of scan lines visible on the screen. 及在荧光屏上可见的画面扫描线数有关.