第 97 课:购买家具-2

S:Yes, sure. We have a book of designs which you can choose from. 有的, 我们有一本家具目录, 你们可以从中挑选.

Would you mind coming this way? I'll show you 麻烦你往这边走, 让我拿给你们看看.

C2:Will you ship them to us when finished? 完工后你们会代为寄运吗?

S:Sure. We'll have it insured,too. 当然会, 我们还会购买保险.

C2:What does the insurance cover? 包括哪方面的保障?

S:It covers loss in transit. 只包括运送途中的遗失.

C2:I want a "all-risk" insurance policy against both loss and damage. 我想买"全保", 即包括损坏及遗失,

I'll pay for any extra charges. 额外的费用由我支付.

S:Certainly, sir. We'll arrange it for you. 好的, 先生, 我们会替你办妥的.