第 72 课:I forgot money. 我忘记带钱了-3

Can I pay tomorrow when I come again? 等我明天来时再付钱可以吗?

Shall I leave something for money? 我可以留下东西来抵押吗?

Shall I leave this watch for it? 我可以留下表来抵押吗?

I won't be bilking. 我不会赖帐的。

Can I call my friend to come? 我可以打电话请我朋友来吗?

I'll get my friend to come with money. 我会请我朋友带钱来的。

May I cancel my order? 我可以取消订购吗?

Don't take it ill of me,please. 请别生我的气。