第 11 课:在飞机上-11

Excuse me. I want an aisle seat in the smoking section, if I may. 请问,如果可能的话, 我想要一个可以抽烟的靠走道的座位。

May I move to the non-smoking area? 我能换到非抽烟区吗?

Is there a vacant seat in the smoking area? 抽烟区有空位吗?

Do you mind if I change seats? 如果我换座位,你介意吗?

A:Excuse me. Would you mind trading seats with me? 请问,你介意和我换位子吗?

B:Not at all. 一点也不。

A:What time are we arriving at New York? 我们什么时候抵达纽约?

B:4:20 p.m., New York time. 纽约时间下午4点20分。