第 120 课:紧急情况-2

I was robbed of my wallet in front of the hotel. 我的皮夹子在旅馆前被抢走了。

Could you please call the police right now? 请你现在打电话给警察好吗?

Call the police, please. 请打给警察。

Could you take me to the nearest police station? 你能带我去最近的警察局吗?

A: My pocket must have been picked. My wallet is gone. 我的口袋被盗了,皮夹子不见了。

B: How much money were you carrying? 你带多少钱?

A: About $200 in cash. 大约200美元现金。

I had my wallet stolen with my passport. 我的皮夹子连同护照也被偷了。