第 128 课:生病时-1

B: Reception. May I help you? 这是前台,我能为你效劳吗?

A: I'm very sick. Please call a doctor. 我病很重,请打电话叫医生来。

B: Yes. Your name and your room number,please. 好的,请问你姓名和房间号码。

I'm not feeling well. Can you recommend a doctor? 我觉得不舒服,你能推荐一位医生吗?

I have a toothache. Can you recommend a dentist? 我牙痛,你能推荐一位牙医吗?

I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor. 我想挂号看医生。

I'd like to see a doctor. 我想看医生。

Help me, please. Call an ambulance, please. 请帮我叫辆救护车。