第 141 课:生病时-14

Blood comes out from the gum between the teeth. 血从牙齿间的牙床流出来。

My gums are so swollen that I can't eat. 我的牙床很肿以致于我不能吃东西。

I think I have pyorrhea. 我想我牙齿脓漏。

I want to have this tooth pulled out. 我要拔这颗牙齿。

If possible,I'd rather not have it extracted. 可能的话我不想拔掉,

Could you just give it a temporary treatment? 你能只给予暂治疗吗?

Please try to save the tooth. 请试着保留这颗牙齿。

Please put an amalgam filling in. 请用汞合金填补。