第 18 课:在机场里面-6

A:I have this camera that I bought for my friend. 我给朋友买了一台照相机。

B:How much did you pay for it? 你多少钱买的?

A:I paid $320 at the duty-free shop. 我在免税商店花了美金320元买的。

B:I have to charge you $17 duty for that. Please pay it at the cashier,and show the receipt when you go out. 我必须收你美金17元的税,请到收银柜缴费,你出去时出示收据。

B:Do you have any tobacco products? 你有烟草制品吗?

A:Just one carton of cigarettes. That's for my personal use. 只有一条香烟,那是我个人要抽的。

B:Do you have any fruit or vegetables? 你有水果或蔬菜吗?

A:I have this box of fruit. It's a gift. 我有一盒水果,那是礼物。