第 69 课:乘坐巴士时-3

One Round trip to Philadelphia, please. 请买去费城的一张往返车票。

A:Excuse me, do you go to Third and Twenty-seventh? 请问,这路车到第三街27号吗?

B:No, not this one. Take No.5. 不,不是这路车,坐5路。

Is this the bus going to Boston? 这路车去波士顿吗?

I'd like to go to Fifth Avenue. What's the fare, please? 我想去第五街,请问车费多少?

What time do we get to Boston? 我们什么时候到波士顿?

Is Boston the end of the line? 波士顿是这条线的终点站吗?

Is Hudson Street the third stop? Hudson街是第三站吗?