第 81 课:预订机票时-5

Could you change my flight date? 你能变更我的起飞日期吗?

I'd like to cancel my reservation for the flight on September 26, and book one on September 29 instead, please. 我想取消9月26日班机的预约,请另订一张9月29日的。

Please cancel my flight for Saturday the fifth. 请取消我5日星期六的班机。

Where is the TWA office? TWA航空公司的办公室在哪里?

What is the check-in time? 检查登记时间是什么时候?

What is the boarding time? 登机时间是什么时候?

Is the flight for Taibei on time? 飞台北的班机准时吗?

What is the gate number for China Air Lines to Taibei? 中华航空公司往台北的班机在几号登机门?