第 14 课:Have you talked to John today? 你今天有没有跟约翰谈过话?

A:I'm thinking about asking Richard out. 我想约理查出去.

B:I was wondering if you liked him. 我在想,你是否喜欢他.

A:Well,now you know. 那现在你知道了.

B:I think you should ask him. 我认为你应该约他出去.

A:Have you talked to John today? 你今天有没有跟约翰谈过话?

B:No,and I don't plan to. 没有,而且我也不想.

A:I was wondering if he offended you. I guess he did. 我在想,他是否得罪了你.

B:Yeah,and he'd better figure it out. 是的,而且他最好知道他得罪了我.

I was wondering if you would like to come over.I was wondering if you liked him. 不知你要不要来我家玩. 我在想,你是否喜欢他.

I was wondering if he offended you. I was wondering if you liked chocolate. 我在想,他是否得罪了你. 我不知道你是否喜欢巧克力.