第 26 课:How did the meeting go? 会议开得如何?

A:How did the meeting go? 会议开得如何?

B:Don't ask me. I couldn't find the place. 别问我.我找不到开会的地点.

A:Are you sure you got the right address? 你确定你拿到的是正确地址?

B:Positive. I guess I'll just find out tomorrow. 肯定是对的.我相我明天再问问是怎么一回事.

A:Man,this controller doesn't work right at all. 天啊,这个控制器没办法用.

B:Are you sure that you bought the right controller? 你确定你买对了控制器

A:Yeah,I bought the exact one you said. 是啊,我完全照你说的买的.

B:Well,maybe it's defective. 噢,可能是有故障吧.

Are you sure the pen doesn't work? Are you sure you got the right address? 你确定这支笔不能用吗? 你确定你拿的是正确地址.

Are you sure you don't want to come over? 你确定你不过来吗?

Are you sure that you bought the right controller? 你确定你买对了控制器?