第 35 课:It's time to leave for the party. 该是去赴宴会的时间了

A:It's time to leave for the party. 该是去赴宴会的时间了。

B:Okay,give me another minute. 好的,再给我几分钟.

A:Well,just meet me there. I don't want to be late. 行,我们在那里见面. 我不想迟到.

B:Okay,see you there. 好的,到那里再见.

A:Are you nervous? It's time for the game to start. 你紧张吗?该是球赛开始的时间了.

B:A little bit. You? 有一点.你呢?

A:Yeah,but I'll get over it. 紧张,但是我可以克服.

B:I hope I do. 我希望我会克服.

It's time to leave for the party. It's time we got a new apartment. 该是去赴宴会的时间了. 该是换个新公寓的时间了.

It's time to go shopping. It's time for the game to start. 该是去购物的时间了. 该是球赛开始的时间了.