第 4 课:How's the job search? 你工作找得怎么样?

A:How's the job search. 你工作找得怎么样?

B:Terrible.Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? 很糟.你知道找工作有多困难吗?

A:Where have you looked? 你找过哪些地方?

B:Everywhere. 到处都找过.

A:Do you have all your shopping done yet? 你工买的东西都买完了吗?

B:No,I'm in no rush. 还没有,我不急.

A:Do you realize that Christmas is next week? 你知不知道圣诞节是下星期?

B:Sure,but I'll figure something out. ;B:知道,但我会有办法的.

Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? 你知道找工作有多困难吗?

Do you realize that Christmas is next week? 你知不知道圣诞节是下星期?

Do you realize that computer games are on sale? 你知道电脑游戏在打折吗?

Do you realize that I am home for two weeks? 你不知道我会在家待两个星期吗?