第 45 课:I've had enough of this. 我真受不了

A:Look,there are ants all over the cabinet. 你看,橱柜里全是蚂蚁.

B:We've got to keep this place cleaner. 我们必须把这个地方保持得更干净.

A:Yeah,I've had enough of this. 是啊,我真受不了.

B:I'll get a washcloth 我去拿一条毛巾.

A:When is Mary coming over? 玛丽什么时候来?

B:At 6. 6点.

A:Is she going to eat with us? 她要跟我们一起吃饭吗 ?

B:That's what I forgot I've got to ask her about dinner. 我就是忘了问她这个. 我这就去问她吃不吃晚饭 .

We've got to keep this place cleaner. 我们必须把这个地方保持得更干净.

We've got to do some shopping during the sale. 在打折拍卖期间,我们必须去购买些东西.

I've got to ask her about dinner. 我这就去问她来不来吃晚饭.