第 49 课:How's your job? 你的工作怎么样?

A:How's your job? 你的工作怎么样?

B:Good,but I have to drive all over the place. 很好,但是我必须开车到各处.

A:Do you think you'll like that? 你想你会喜欢吗?

B:Sure,I will get used to driving so much. 当然,我会习惯长时间开车.

A:Why is John grounded 约翰为什么被禁闭?

B:He left last night without permission. 他昨晚没得到允许就离开了.

A:I guess he will get used to asking before he leaves. 我想他会习惯在离开之 前先问一声.

B:He'd better,or he's going to spend the rest of his life in his room. 他最好是习惯,否则他往后的日子就要留在他的房间里.

I will get used to eating by myself. I will get used to driving so much. 我会习惯于单独吃饭. 我会习惯长时间开车.

She will get used to coming home early. 她会习惯早一点回家.

He will get used to asking before he leaves. 他会习惯在离开之前先问一声.