第 51 课:How come? 为什么?

A:I heard Mary had to stay after class. 我听说玛丽放学后必须留下来.

B:Yeah,she was being disruptive. 是的,她最近很爱捣蛋.

A:Mary had better not yell at her teacher anymore. 玛丽最好不要再对她的老师吼叫.

B:It's pretty embarrassing. 那是很令人难堪的.

A:Those cookies sure look good. Looks like John likes them too. 那些饼干看起来的确很好.看起来约翰也很喜欢那些饼干.

B:John had better not eat all of those cookies. 约翰最好不要把那些 饼干通通吃掉.

A:How come? 为什么?

B:I'm supposed to be saving them for a party. 那些饼干,我是留给宴会时用的.

Mary had better not yell at her teacher any more. 玛丽最好不要再对她的老师吼叫.

Bill had better not meet treat her that way. 比尔最好不要那样子对待她.

John had better not eat all of those cookies. 约翰最好不要把那些饼干通通吃掉.

Mary had better not call me anymore names. 玛丽最好不要再用难听的话骂我.