第 56 课:No way! 绝不会!

A:Do you think you'll buy that one? 你想你会买那一个吗?

B:No way! That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen! 绝不会! 那是我看过的最难看的图画.

A:It's not that bad. 也没有那么糟.

B:Are you kidding?I could do better than that. 你开什么玩笑? 我都可以画得比那个更好.

A:Helen sure was helpful. 海伦真的帮了很多忙.

B:I have to say that she's the nicest lady I've ever met. 我必须承认,她是我见 过的最好的女士.

A:Everyone says that. 每一个人都这么说.

B:I bet.I wish everyone was as nice as her. 是啊.我希望每一个人都像她那么好.

That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen. That's the prettiest baby ever born. 那是我看过的最难看的画. 那是最漂亮的一个婴孩.

She's the nicest lady I've ever met. 她是我见过的最好的女士.