第 63 课:What's the problem? 出了什么问题?

A:How are you doing in your English class? 你的英文课上得怎样?

B:Okay,but it could be better. 还好,但是应该可以更好.

A:What's the problem? 出了什么问题?

B:I'm just not very good at grammar. 我的语法就是不太好.

A:How are you doing with your new roommate? 你跟你的新室友处得如何?

B:Great. She's hilarious. 很好.她很有趣.

A:Is she much like Mary? 她跟玛丽很像吗?

B:Not at all,but we seem to be getting along fine. 一点也不像,但是我们似乎很处得来.

How are you doing in your English class? How are you doing with your new roommate? 你的英文课上得怎么样? 你跟你的新室友处得如何?

How are you doing in the big city? How are you doing with your new job? 你在大都市住得惯吗? 你的新工作做得怎么样?