第 67 课:How long will it take? 要多久?

A:How long will it take to wash the comforter? 洗这一条棉被要多久?

B:It's takes me about an hour,but I do it by hand. 我花了一个小时,但我是用手洗的.

A:Can I do it in the washer? 我可以用洗衣机洗吗?

B:Maybe,it depends how big your washer is. 或许可以,那要看你的洗衣机有多大.

A:We'll let you know about the job as soon as we process everything. 等我们处理完之后, 我们就会让你知道这个工作的结果.

B:How long will it take to process all of the information? 处理所有的资讯需要 多少时间.

A:Usually about a week. 通常需要一个星期.

B:I'll look forward to hearing from you. 我会等你的消息.

How long will it take to get to Dallas? How long will it take to wash the comforter? 到达拉斯要多久? 洗这一条棉被要多久?

How long will it take to process all of the information? 处理所有的资讯需要多长时间?

How long will it take to drive to John's? 开车到约翰家要多久?