第 97 课:Who can give us directions? 谁能给我们指路?

A:Look at this monster I made it myself. 你看这个怪物.我自己做的.

B:Who can eat that huge sandwich? 谁能吃那么大的三明治.

A:I'm going to give it to my sister as a joke. There's no way she could eat it in a million years. 我要给我妹妹, 当作是玩笑. 这个三明治她永远都没办法吃的.

B:I've got to see this. 我得跟过去看看.

A:I don't know how to get to John's. Do you? 我不知道如何到约翰家, 你知道吗?

B:No. Who can give us directions? 不知道,谁能给我们指路?

A:Maybe Tom's home. He could tell us I bet. 汤姆或许在家. 我打赌他能告诉我们.

B:You'd better hurry. He's supposed to be going out of town you know. 你最好快点. 你知道他要到外地去.

Who can fix a tire? Who can eat that huge sandwich? 谁会修理轮胎? 谁能吃那么大的三明治?

Who can give us directions? Who can tune your guitar? ;谁能给我们指路? 谁会帮你的吉他调音?