第 13 课:Long Distance Love 远程恋爱-2

But when I finally saw you (with your little bouquet of flowers that was making you sneeze) 但是当我最终见到你的时候,(虽然你手中的一小束鲜花让你一直打喷嚏)

and you ran to me and just about knocked me over with your hug. 你直奔向我,热情的拥抱几乎将我撞倒。

Well, I knew, I knew that everything I thought about you was true. 这时,我知道,我知道我对于你的一切梦想都已成真,

I knew you would never hurt me. 我知道你永远不会伤害我,

I knew I would tear down all the walls that I had built up around my heart for you, because I knew I now had you to protect me. 我知道我心中筑起的所有防线都已崩溃,因为我知道现在我有了你,有了你的保护。

Every day I love you more. Even when we have misunderstandings, I can't stop thinking about how much I love you. 我对你的爱意日益浓厚。纵然我们之间出现误会的时候,我也会禁不住去想我有多么爱你。

Can you imagine how annoying it is for me when all I want to do is be angry about something that happened, but I can't because the second I look at you, my heart melts. 你知道吗?当一些不愉快的事情发生而让我生气的时候,我是多么烦恼,可是一旦我再次见到你,我的心就软了。