It's annoying, but I love it. I love not being angry. I love not being selfish. 虽然这很恼人,可是我喜欢。我不想生气,也不想自私,
I love doing things for you, just to do it, not for something in return. 我愿意为你做任何事情,一心为你而做,不奢求一丝一毫的回报。 This letter is a small gift to you. 这封信是送给你的一份小礼。
We missed having a honeymoon, and I know Hawaii's always been a dream for you. 我们都想好好度一次蜜月,我也知道去夏威夷也一直是你的梦想,
It's no guarantee, but I thought I'd try... 我不敢给你任何保证,可是我会努力的……
...I've finally found you, and I love everything about you, especially your "faults". ……最终我还是找到了你,我爱你的一切,特别是你的"缺点"。
I saved myself for you emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. 我的情感、内心、精神和身体都是为了你而存在。
I loved you before I knew you existed because I knew that God was saving someone for me. 在我认识你之前我就爱上了你,因为我知道你就是上帝为我安排的那个人。