第 18 课: Cost of living 生活费用

America seems like a very rich country too much of the world. 对于世界上很多国家来说,美国看似非常富裕。

In some ways this is true. 从某些方面来说是这样的。

However, the cost of living in America is very high. 然而,美国的生活消费非常高。

Even someone who is very careful with their money will probably end up spending at least $1500 a month just to pay their bills and eat. 即使对于花钱非常谨慎的人来说,每个月可能也要花费近1500元,而这可能就够支付账单以及购买食物。

When you consider the fact that Americans have to save money to buy a house, a car, and pay for their kid's college education, 当你考虑到美国人必须为买房、买车,支付小孩的大学教育费用等等这些现实问题的话,

you realize that it costs a lot to live in America. 你也会意识到美国生活费用之高。

Americans still see their country as a land of opportunity, 美国人仍然认为在自己的国家机会良多,

and many believe that if they work hard and make the right decisions, they can end up rich. 很多人相信只要努力工作,而且选择正确,他们最终会富起来的。