Every emotion that surges or trickles through you causes a physical reaction somewhere in the body. 不管你的情绪汹涌澎湃还是涓涓细流,它都能引起身体某个部位的一种生理反应。
A minor upset may take a couple of days to register as a headache or backache; 一点小小的烦恼也许在几天后就转化为了头痛或者背痛。
a more vehement explosion of anger or hatred directed at someone could result in a terrible case of ulcers or colitis, 一次更加激烈的对别人愤怒或仇恨的爆发,能够导致严重的溃疡或结肠炎,
because that emotion is pounding your body. 因为这种情绪在不停地对你的身体进行攻击。
But just as negative emotions have a negative effect on the body, 但是,犹如消极的情绪对身体有着消极的影响,
so too do positive emotions have a positive effect. 积极的情绪也一样有着积极的影响。