第 30 课:The Stomach Jab 腹部攻击

You can use this technique if an assailant attacks you from behind, with his arms around your neck. 如果有人将其手臂夹住你的脖子对你进行背后偷袭,

Twist your body slightly, clench your fist, and raise your arm. 你可以使用这种防身术:身体微倾,握紧拳头,同时抬高手臂。

Then, jab backward with your elbow into the attacker's stomach as hard as you can, aiming to wind him. 然后,用手肘狠狠地往后猛击袭击者的腹部,让他无还手之机。

This should force him to relax his grip enough for you to break free. 这样他就只好松开你,你才得以脱身。