第 31 课:Lock Your Door Up 锁紧你的门

It's an easy step, yet some people still don't bother securing all the entrances to their homes. 很简单的一步,然而很多人怕麻烦不去关紧所有的入室通道。

Many burglars walk right in the front door because the door is unlocked, the lock is easy to pick or remove, or the door itself is flimsy. 很多夜贼堂而皇之从前门进入,因为门没有上锁,或是很容易被撬开或者移除,或者门本身不够牢固。

Solid doors equipped with deadbolt locks and wide-angle peepholes instead of glass panels offer the surest protection. 牢固的门配有横闩锁和使用广角窥视孔而不是玻璃窗,均提供了最可靠的防护。

Sliding glass doors should be equipped with locking metal rods in the sliding channel. 滑动玻璃门应该在滑槽上装配有金属锁定杆。

Be sure all accessible windows have locks, and if you live in a high-crime neighborhood, 确保每个可入窗口都已锁好,并且如果你住在高犯罪率街区,

consider putting grates or steel shutters on all basement and first-floor windows. 应该考虑在所有地下室和一楼的窗户装上防护栏或是钢百叶窗。