第 46 课:To tip 给小费

“Unlike in other parts of the world, it is both customary and expected for customers to tip the servers when going out to restaurants, bars, and coffee shops in America. 与世界其他国家不同,在美国,当外出就餐、上酒吧、去咖啡馆的时候,顾客最好能给服务生一些小费,这也是一种惯例。

At most places, servers don't get paid usual wages. Rather, they take home their daily tips as a salary. 在很多地方,服务生并不拿一般意义上的工资,相反,他们拿回家的薪金往往是他们的日常小费所得。

The average tip that each customer must pay is about 20% of the bill, depending on the service and on the quality of the restaurant. 每位顾客所给的小费约是账单的20%的数额,这还视服务质量和饭店档次而定。

If paying with a credit card, the customer writes the tip in the space below the cost of the meal and then adds it into the total payment. 如果是以信用卡付账,顾客会把小费数额写在账单下方,将其计入总花费里。

If paying in cash, the customer first pays the server the price of the meal and then leaves the tip on the table before exiting the restaurant.” 如果是以现金付款的话,顾客先付餐费,然后在离开饭店之前,把小费留在桌上(给服务生)。