Unit 14 Shipment 装 运 - B-2
对话 - 1

B: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter. 但是我们工厂第三季度的生产任务已全部排满了。事实上,我们很多客户在订第四季度交的货呢。

A: Mr. Brown, you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a mat- ter of great importance to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out. 布朗先生,你知道的,交货时间对我们来说很重要。如果在我们把商品投放到市场上去的时候,别的进口商已经把商品脱手赚钱了,那我们就亏了。

B: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous years. I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery.

A: That ' s too bad, but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration. 那糟了,但我真心希望你们对我们的要求给予特殊的考虑。

B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you. But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands. 我可以向你保证,我们最不愿做那些让像你们这样的老客户失望的事,但是我们的厂家眼前的交货压得很重,这是事实。

A: But can ' t you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery? Make a special effort, please. A timely delivery means a lot to us. 你不能想些办法说服厂家提前一些时间交货吗 ? 请你特别加把劲。及时交货对我们关系可大啦!

B: All right. We ' ll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say. 好吧。我们和厂家联系一下,听听他们的意见。