The Jacksons are sweet people. Jackson一家都是心地善良的人。 Tom is always sweet to all of us. Tom对我们一向很和蔼。 It's sweet of you. 你真好心。 You look so sweet in the picture. 相片中的您很漂亮。 She has a sweet voice. 她的嗓音很甜蜜。 How sweet the music sounds! 这音乐多美妙啊! The fruit is sweet and tender. 这水果又鲜又嫩。 I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers. 我想出去走一走闻一闻花香。
Your brothers look very much alike. 你们兄弟长得太像了。 All the houses in this project are alike. 这项工程所建的房子都很相似。 All these men are alike in the world. 这些人到处都是一模一样。 I belive they are alike in character. 我相信他们的性情也差不多。 All music is alike to me. 所以音乐对我来说都一样。 He treats everyone alike. 他对大家一视同仁。 The ways you walk is very much alike. 你们走路的样子很像。 The sun shines over all alike. 机会面前人人平等。