第 101 课:Where's your bicycle? 您的自行车呢?

Jeff: Mr Jones! Good morning! 您早!琼斯先生!

Mr Jones: Good morning, Jeff. 早,杰夫。

Jeff: Where's your bicycle? 您的自行车呢?

Mr Jones: Sorry? 对不起,你是说……?

Jeff: You usually come to work by bicycle. 您平常不是都骑自行车上班的吗。

Mr Jones: Ah. Not today. It's too cold. 今天不骑。天气太冷了。

Jeff: I see. 原来如此。

Mr Jones: I woke up this morning. I looked out of the window. 今天一早起来。我看着窗外的天气。

Mr Jones: And I thought: "Today is a day for the underground." 心想:“今天应是乘地铁的天气”。

Jeff: Yes ... 不错,您是做对了……。

Mr Jones: When did you come to England, Jeff? 杰夫,你是什么时候来英国的?

Jeff: About five years ago.I was born in New York,and I went to school in New York ... 大概五年前吧。我在纽约出生,后来就在纽约求学……

Jeff: I came to London about five years ago, and I liked it. So I decided to stay. 大约在五年前来到伦敦,我喜欢这儿。所以就决定住下来了。

Mr Jones: Why did you join Sunshine Travel? 你为什么会来阳光旅行社工作?

Jeff: Sorry? 抱歉,请您再说一遍?