第 18 课:You're welcome. Cheers! 不客气。干杯!

Michel: Two orange juices. There you are, Anna ... 两杯橘子汁。安娜,这杯是你的……

Anna: Thank you, Michel. 谢谢你,米切尔。

Michel: ... Maria. ……玛丽亚。

Maria: Thank you. 谢谢你。

Michel: You're welcome. Cheers! 不客气。干杯!

Maria: Cheers! 干杯!

Maria: Michel, do you have any children? 米切尔,你有小孩吗?

Michel: Yes. Two. Christine and Patrick. 有。两个。克里斯汀和帕特里克。

Anna: How old are they? 他们有多大了?

Michel: Christine is nine and Patrick is seven. 克里斯汀今年九岁,帕特里克七岁。

Maria: Do you have any photographs of them? 你有没有带他们的照片?

Michel: Oh, yes. This is Christine ... and this is Patrick. 有的。这就是克里斯汀……还有,这是帕特里克。

Elizabeth: Perhaps they're in the garden. 或许他们在花园里。

Jeff: Yes. 是的。