第 79 课:Where's the lift?电梯在哪里?

Michel: Where's the lift?电梯在哪里?

Desk clerk: Straight on and turn right. 一直走,再向右转。

Michel: Thank you.谢谢。

Desk clerk: You're welcome, sir. 不用客气,先生。

Jeff: What do you want at your holiday hotel?你们对度假的旅馆,有什么要求?

Woman1: I want a good restaurant, with good food.我希望有好的餐厅,供应美味可口的食物。

Man1: I want a room with a balcony.我要一间有阳台的房间。

Man2: I want a nice cocktail bar.我希望有一间不错的酒吧。

Woman2: I want a beautiful beach.我希望有美丽的海滩。

Jeff: What do you want to do?你们想要做些什么?

Woman1: I want to sit in the sun.我想晒太阳。

Man1: I want to swim.我想去游泳。

Man2: I want to meet people.我想去认识一些人。

Woman2: I want to play tennis.我想去打网球。

Jeff: The Pacific Hotel is for you.太平洋旅馆是你们最佳选择。

Anna: You want it , we've got it ...你所需要的,我们样样都具备……