第 82 课:Small, medium or large? 小号,中号还是大号的?

Woman: What kind of gloves would you like?We have leather, wool, suede ... 您喜欢哪一种手套?我们有皮制的、羊毛的、小山羊皮的……

Jeff: Leather, please.请让我看看皮制的。

Woman: Small, medium or large? 小号,中号还是大号的?

Jeff: Small, please.小号的,麻烦您。

Woman: Are you sure? 您确定戴得下?

Jeff: Yes. Small. They're not for me. They're for a friend.没错。小号的。不是我自己要戴,是买来送给朋友的。

Woman: Oh, I see. A lady or a gentleman? 噢,原来如此。是送给女士还是男士?

Jeff: A lady.女士。

Woman: Ah. 好。

Mr Jones: Hmm ... This one.嗯……这一件。

Man: Lemon. Certainly, sir. What size are you?柠檬色。没问题,先生。请问您穿几号的?

Mr Jones: 15.

Man: 15. That's 38. 15。相当于38。

Mr Jones: Sorry?抱歉,你说什么?

Man: 15 inches. 38 centimetres. 15英寸。相当于38公分。

Mr Jones: Yes.对。

Man: Lemon yellow. Size 15.柠檬黄的。尺寸是15。

Mr Jones: Thank you. And I'd like a jacket.谢谢你。我还想买一件夹克。