
Everyday Expressions

Tom is a boy with blue eyes.

She is slowly losing her eyesight.

Mr. White has an eye for pictures.

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Happy birthday, Jonny!

B: Oh, my eye! I've never seen such a big cake! (哎呀)

A: Mama…

B: Oh, gee! Honey, tell me who gave you that black eye. (青眼眶)

A: Scot! You know what? Anna gave me the eye. It really surprised me. (暗送秋波)

B: She makes goo-goo eyes at everybody! (媚眼)

A: No! It's different! Like magic! You know? She hit me between the eyes the moment I saw her. (发生深刻印象)

Joanna is growing up before my eyes. (在眼皮子底下)

He has big blue eyes and long blond hair.

Let's just put on my eyes before we go outside. (墨镜 sunglasses)


All evil eye can see no good. 恶人眼里无好人。

Out of sight, out of the heart. 别久情疏。