波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 5 课 - 7 动词词语 bring(brought)

Everyday Expressions

Bring me the sugar please.

A short walk will bring you to a river.

The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.

Why don't you bring Tom along?

The revolution brought many changes.

生活用语 Street Talks

Please bring me those magazines.

If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?

What shall I bring you back as a gift?

A: I like Prof. Lee so much.

B: You said it. His lecture brought home several important points.

A: Oh, boy, Victor's carelessness brought about this accident.

B: Poor Victor, I can't bring myself to help him then.

He brought up a good point.

Can I bring you a drink?

谚语 Proverbs

Whoever brings finds the door wide open for his reception—except when he brings trouble. 只要不带麻烦,带礼进门的人是受欢迎的。