波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 6 课 - 15 动词词语 lose(lost)

Everyday Expressions

I've lost my wallet.

Father constantly lost his temper.

We lost our way.

There is no time to lose.

It's stupid of you to lose this good opportunity.

My watch loses five minutes a day.

The candidate lost by 200 votes.

生活用语 Street Talks

I cannot find my watch; I must have lost it.

We shouldn't lose heart. We may get another chance.

I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.

England lost to China. (输给)

The doctor lost no time in getting the sick woman to hospital.

A man tried following me, but I lost him. (甩掉某人)

A: Tom's out of it! Out of it! Oh, Gee!

B: He can't be serious! Has he lost all his marbles?

He lost it when he heard the bad news. (发脾气)

谚语 Proverbs

We don't know a good thing till we've lost it. 失去后才知珍贵。

Lose a leg rather than your life. 宁肯掉只腿,不要去丧生。

The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。