第 10 课: Responding to Requests 对要求作出反应 - 2

Conversation A :My Car Is Missing 我的车丢了。

DETECTIVE: OK. Mr. Learner. Where are you from?好,勒纳先生,你是哪儿人?

MARTIN: I'm from Baltimore, Maryland. I'm a reporter. I write stories for radio. 我是马里兰州巴尔的摩市人,我是记者,我为电台写报道。

DETECTIVE: Where are you going?你准备去哪儿?

MARTIN: I'm going to Baltimore. I'm going home.我要去巴尔的摩,准备回家。

DETECTIVE: I lived in Maryland. I studied at the University of Maryland. I study in Denver now.我曾在马里兰州住过,我在马里兰大学读过书,现在在丹佛学习。

POLICEWOMAN: Excuse me, Mr. Learner. Read this.对不起,勒纳先生,读一下这个。

MARTIN: Martin Learner. Fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Telephone, four-one-oh, five-five-five, six-seven-two-nine.马丁· 勒纳,马里兰州巴尔的摩市格兰特街1427号,电话401-555-6729。


MARTIN: Yes.对。

WOMAN: Sign your name here. And sign here.在这儿签名,还要在这儿签名。 